Tag: travel

My mother met her favourite actress Mumtaz

London graced us with a splendid day, and our primary agenda was a visit to Marks and Spencer, ...

Beautiful Toledo, Spain

There exists an abundance of narratives I yearn to impart concerning the myriad encounters I have amassed throughout ...

Spain – Can’t get over it!

I have over 400 photos of Spain, and I keep thinking that I need to share at least ...

Paris France a beauty!

Paris is truly in a league of its own! The city exudes an enchanting charm and an air ...

More of my travel to Rome & the Vatican City!

Here are some more memories of my travel to Rome, Italy and the Vatican City.

A breathtaking view of Florence, Italy

Florence is a city that demands a substantial amount of time to truly absorb its essence. While I ...

Roman Colosseum, Rome, Italy

As I sit here, attempting to conjure words that might aptly depict this historic monument, I find myself ...